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Instructor Development Program


2 Courses $80

Course 301: Instructor Level 1  Mechanics
Course 302: Instructor Level  2  Brea
king Pitches



4 Courses $149
Course 301: Instructor Level 1  Mechanics
Course 302: Instructor Level  2 Breaking Pitches
Course 310: Problems & Fixes

Course 250: Pitcher's Mentality



5 Courses $249
Course 301: Instructor Level 1 Mechanics
Course 302: Instructor Level  2 Breaking Pitches
Course 310: Problems & Fixes
Course 410: Video Analysis & Recruiting Video Training & Development
Course 250: Pitcher's Mentality

Also includes:
8 hrs of in lesson training, Video Analysis Training, Website & Scheduling Development, Powerpoint Presentation Access*, Pitcher's Training Programs, Pitching Charts & Assessments.  Online Video References.  Video Analysis & website support for 1 year*. $50/year renewal.



Contact Jesse for more information:

Course Descriptions


Instructor Level Pitcher's Mentality Class  250
Teach players how to use visualization techniques, talk about their response to failure, what is in their control, emotional toughness, physical toughness, and mental toughness, perfectionism, self talk, body language and more. Training the brain is one of the most overlooked skills in sports.  Understanding different personalities and what makes players tick.
Instructor/Coaches Level 1  301
For an instructor who wants to make sure they are teaching the right things or at least not teaching the wrong things.  Breaking down the mechanics of the top pitchers in the world and looking at their differences and similarities through each part of the motion. This seminar is geared toward pitching instructors or coaches looking to understand pitching and help their players perform better. Attendees will walk away with the knowledge on how to recognize vital timing and mechanical issues.  Check out our reviews from some of the areas top pitching coaches.   You will walk away with an appreciation of how complicated the pitching motion really is.  
 Prerequisite: Pitching 201
Instructor Level 2  302
An in depth look at spins and wrist snaps of a variety of different pitches from the top pitchers. A variety of change-ups, drops, curves, risers, screw balls and everything in between.  Does the riseball really rise? As a prerequisite Coaches must take the Level 1 class first Class 301.
Problems & Fixes  310
An in depth look at common and uncommon problems and the causes, drills, and various solutions.  Instructors will be able to diagnose and fix problems quicker.
Prerequisite: Pitching 301 & 302
Video Analysis & Recruiting Video Training & Business Development  410
Instructors will learn various ways to create & share video analysis of their students.  The will also learn filming tricks, and how  produce and market recruiting videos, along with website development and business marketing training.
Only offered to Level 4 instructors.
*Some restrictions apply.



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